The purpose of this assignment is to actively apply class lessons to a real nego


The purpose of this assignment is to actively apply class lessons to a real negotiation. This can be a business contract (e.g., NBA licensing); labor (eg, Hollywood unions and studios/producers; UAW-Big3) political negotiation (Ukraine aid; “prisoner swap” with Russia) or any other topic that’s been covered well in the media in the past few years. There should be some level of resolution in order to evaluate outcomes. 1.Provide an overview of the main parties “at the table” and their key interests in the negotiation.
2.Outline who else has influence and/or is affected by the deal beyond the main negotiators – for each of these parties, identify their primary interest. 3. Evaluate the success of each party – who got their interests met? Who fell short and in what way? 4. Use class concepts to explain key moments and behaviors that contributed to the outcomes. This can include the main negotiators as well as those “on the sidelines” and can include impactful external events (eg, a hurricane) as well.
Questions 1-3 can be addressed in order or simultaneously, just be clear about the distinction between the main parties vs. “other interested parties”. You can use paragraphs, outline/bullets, or a table for these three questions.
For Q4, use paragraphs.
For Q4 I expect you to use 3-5 specific class concepts and to apply them to specific aspects of the negotiation (eg, use a specific cognitive bias like Overconfidence, not “cognitive biases” in general, and explain where and how it was illustrated). Each concept should have its own paragraph.
For article(s) you rely upon, please include a link at the end of your paper.


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