How did you choose Miami Dade College for your learning? What led to you recogni


How did you choose Miami Dade College for your learning? What led to you recognizing you wanted to be a College student and earn a college education?
How would you describe your personality to someone else? Do these personality attributes relate to your career goals? If so, in what way?
When you study, where do you find your studying is most productive? Do you enjoy multiple learning environments? How about study strategies? What works best to help you organize and retain information?
What did you do for yourself in the last year that maximized your learning? How about college professors or high school teachers? How did they contribute to your learning?
How strong is your academic investment in yourself? Which of your behaviors demonstrate your academic investment?
What are your hopes and goals for learning and achievements in this course? How will you know we have been successful together in your learning experience?


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