Instructions for Required Combined TED Talk Assignment 4 1. Select 2 TED Talks f


Instructions for Required Combined TED Talk Assignment 4 1. Select 2 TED Talks from the list on the webpage, 2. Watch and listen to the 2 TED Talks you selected. 3. Create notes while watching the 2 TED talks you selected to use when completing this assignment. 4. List 40 ideas proposed in the 2 TED talks you selected. Be sure to use unique and individual numbers to identify each idea, such as 1,2,3,4,5. 5. State whether you agreed or disagreed with each of the ideas you listed. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 6. Explain why you agreed or disagreed with each of the ideas you listed. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 7. Describe and explain a practical application of how 2 of the ideas you listed could be used in the community in which you live. Two-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 8. Describe and explain an extension or elaboration of 2 of the ideas which you listed. Two-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 9. Required to include with your assignment a title using the words Module 4 TED Talk. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 10. Required to include a complete heading (first and last name, course name and correct section number and the date on which you completed the project). One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 11. You must use subheadings for the 5 major subsection of your project as follows: List of 10 ideas, Statement of Agreement or Disagreement, Explanation of Agreement or Disagreement, Description and Explanation of 2 Practical Applications, Description and Explanation of 2 Extension. 12. Required that you submit your assignment as an attachment to the correct submission page. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 13. No late work accepted for full credit. Maximum credit for late work: 1 point. 14. NOTE: Scores for assignments and projects submitted by email will be reported by return email and may not display in the online gradebook. To assure that your assignment grades display properly in the online gradebook, be sure to submit assignments using the correct assignment submission page and write submission box for each assignment and project. 15. Do not use comments box to submit this assignment. 16. Required element: each assignment idea must have an individual and unique number. Example: idea 1, idea 2; etc. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 17. Maximum credit for this assignment is 40 points. 18. Required to include complete heading with first and last names, correct course name and number and correct section number, plus date the assignment was completed. One-point deduction for failure to follow this instruction. 19. Go to for suggested ted talks to view.


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