You are required to post a total of 4 Reflection Papers (rps); two rps before th


You are required to post a total of 4 Reflection Papers (rps); two rps before the midterm and rps after the midterm. These are formal, graded papers (approximately 2 pages long). These papers must be identified as “Reaction Paper #1, etc. so I can grade them correctly). For each graded reaction/reflection paper posting you will START A NEW THREAD. In addition, you will post at least 4 Student Responses; again, 2 before the midterm and 2 after. You will NEVER post a Student Response as a new thread. Student Responses are not formally graded but I keep track of all postings. If you are between grades and you have posted at least 4 Student Responses, you will earn the higher grade.
In total, your postings requirement will amount to 8 postings, approximately 1 posting per week (either a comment or a paper) for all weeks you are not taking an exam or working on your Theory Paper. You may post both a reflection/reaction paper and a comment in the same week (when you post is up to you). If you have any questions, post them to our Discussion Board. Remember, there are NO bad questions. Reaction Papers
Frequently Asked Questions:
1)    What are they??
A “reaction paper” is a thoughtful, reflexive response to the particular reading assigned.  It shows you have read the material, it demonstrates that you have thought about the reading, it might incorporate examples from your personal life, your professional life, current events, or future concerns.  You might cite particular sentences from the reading to make your point.
2)    How long are they??
Your Reaction Papers should be about two pages long (about 6-8 paragraphs).  They should be well-written (good grammar, organization, clarity, etc.).
3)    When do I post them?
There is tremendous flexibility as to when you post your Reaction Papers, as long as the first 2 rps are posted before the midterm exam ends on material assigned before the midterm and the second 2 rps are posted after the midterm ends and before the final exam ends on material assigned after the midterm.
4) What do I write about?
There is a lot of flexibility. You must demonstrate that you’ve understood the reading(s) for the Week you are writing about and may address issues of your choice. If you are struggling to come up with a way to write about the reading(s), please consider these prompts:
A) What question(s), arguments, issue(s) does the author address?
B) What answer(s), arguments, are suggested?
C) What evidence or argument is presented to support the answer(s)?
D) Do you agree with the author’s position?  Why or why not?


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