Dashboards visualization of a standard set of data. Data science is the technolo


Dashboards visualization of a standard set of data. Data science is the technological ability to pull structured and unstructured data to form insights and provide knowledge. Cognitive computing is systems that involve human-machine interactions to implement solutions. https://youtu.be/9uYwifRCGpA
An excerpt from Using visual analytics, big data dashboards for healthcare insights shares the importance of health informatics to support the financial security of the organization and improve patient outcomes.
September 18, 2017 – The need to make sense of big data is quickly becoming an imperative in the healthcare industry, demanding a degree of time, skill, attention, and resources that many providers simply do not have to spare. While changing payment models are putting pressure on clinicians to have instant access to actionable information about their patients, their performance and their potential to close lingering gaps in care, many electronic health records and business intelligence systems are still struggling to deliver at-a-glance insights that could potentially revolutionize the way providers work. There are any number of contributing factors to this dearth of meaningful clinical intelligence available at the point of care. Poor data integrity and governance, a lack of technical interoperability, and challenges with privacy and security all converge to create one of the biggest overarching problems in the healthcare industry: big data simply isn’t very usable yet. Much of the big picture work that needs to be done will require heavy-duty, long-term investment in the development of shared data standards and a complete restatement of the business case for health information exchange. But there is plenty that can be accomplished a little bit closer to home in order to make existing datasets more accessible, appealing, and useful for day-to-day decisions that impact patient outcomes and business sustainability. Improved visual analytics capabilities and better big data dashboards can be an invaluable addition to both the executive toolkit and the clinical arsenal. Visualizations can make complex datasets clear in an instant by presenting information in intuitive and user-friendly ways, opening up the chance to dive deeply into existing data assets and unveil novel insights into opportunities for improvement.
(Bresnick, 2017)
Before you begin, be sure you review the following resources:
Bresnick, J. (2017). Using Visual Analytics, Big Data Dashboards for Healthcare Insights. https://healthitanalytics.com/features/using-visual-analytics-big-data-dashboards-for-healthcare-insightsLinks to an external site.
Science and Technology Facilities Council. (2015). Cognitive computing: What can it be used for? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uYwifRCGpA
For this assignment, prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation that discusses and illustrates two dashboards supporting the visualization of healthcare decisions and solutions.
The slide presentation will address the following key items:
Research dashboards, select two different dashboards that address administrative, clinical, or financial data.
Analyze the data and provide an in-depth explanation of the data previewed and the impact on an organization.
What challenges did the data present to scrub and provide a meaningful visual dashboard
Explain the relationship of the data, dashboard, and meeting goals of an organization
This assignment reinforces information in your textbook and the concepts presented in this unit. Your responses should be thorough, well-conceived graduate college-level responses that are grammatically correct. When you answer these questions, you must support your responses and justify your responses with facts and details from the readings and with your opinions, conclusions, and interpretations. Please write in complete sentences.
(5-7) PowerPoint slides plus title slide and (1) reference slide
Include Speaker notes in your slide presentation
Format paper using APA style
Include (3) scholarly references used as in-text citations to support your concepts (these should be under 5 years old)
Note: Please use the ECPI LibGuides and the Online Library to conduct your research
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify Two Dashboards – Administrative, Clinical or Financial Data
Research dashboards, select two different dashboards that address administrative, clinical, or financial data.
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation of Data and Analysis of Impact
Analyze the data and provide an in-depth explanation of the data previewed and the impact on an organization.
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChallenges in Data
What challenges did the data present to scrub and provide a meaningful visual dashboard
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelationship of Data, Dashboard and Organizational Goals
Explain the relationship of the data, dashboard, and meeting goals of an organization.
30 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
Responses are written at the college level. Assignment is free of spelling and grammar errors. Follows APA guidelines set forth in the instructions. Minium of three scholarly resources with in-text citations.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 100


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