Week 2 Discussion: Schedule Analysis Response Post to two students 100 words and


Week 2 Discussion: Schedule Analysis Response Post to two students 100 words and Summary Post 100 words: Due Responses to 2 or more students. Responses provide additional insights and/or raise questions that require reflection. Shares multiple points of view. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Each week we have 168 hours to live our lives and achieve our goals, it’s up to us to make each moment count. In preparation for this week’s discussion, please review the article below for tips on time management and keeping a daily log.
Step One
Review the time logging tools that are available online. Create a time logging tool for your own use using Microsoft Excel or Word. Minimally, the time log should include Date, Start time, End time, Activity, Planned/Unplanned, and Comments.
Step Two
For at least two days, keep a time log of your activities (use the template available at the site above). It can be quite eye-opening to see exactly where our time is spent.
Reflect upon your findings and share your thoughts with your classmates in this discussion forum.
Starting with the prompts below:
What do I like most about my schedule?
What do I want to do more of with my time?
What do I want to do less of with my time?
What actions can I take in relation to how I spend my time?
Was this a worthwhile activity? Would you use it in the future?
In your responses to your classmates, comment on how your analysis is similar or different. Share any tips that could help your classmates improve their time management skills.
At the end of the week, post a brief summary of your observations and learnings from this discussion.student reposnes student respones Krystal Johns posted Aug 23, 2024 1:31 PM
I love spending time with my daughter in her swimming class. It is remarkable to see how far she has come. I also enjoy walking my dog. It is great to unwind from the day and be able to take in the fresh air and I am able to reflect on what I was capable to do and what I need to accomplish. Sometimes I think about nothing and have that time to just walk off all the stresses life brings. I would like to do more reading in my free time. I always say I am going to do it but I put it off for another time. I would like to do less watching television and surfing the internet. I don’t accomplish anything and when I was watching the video on procrastination I think that this is my way of procrastinating on what I don’t want to do instead I should be focused on tasks that will be more beneficial to the goals I have set for myself. I can take more initiative in scheduling my time and activities that are prearranged if I make a list of things that will help me stay on track and break it down into categories that will help me focus more on what needs to be my priority for the week. One effective method is to use the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. Additionally, setting clear, small, and achievable goals for each day can help maintain momentum. Lastly, eliminating distractions by creating a dedicated workspace can significantly improve focus and productivity. How much time do I want to spend on this task? Did I give myself enough time or do I need to make changes to my schedule? This is a worthwhile activity. I will use it in the future so I am able to look back and see what I did and where I can make changes so my time management can be more productive.
Taisha Simon posted Aug 23, 2024 12:47 PM
Hello all, The last few days have been unusual in that there were some occurrences that transpired that usually do not. For instance, I was sick for a few days due to food poisoning which resulted in cancelling engagements. With that being said I will share based on my normal schedule. I work a hybrid remote schedule, I am home for four weeks and then go into the office for one week. My work schedule was recently changed to 7:30am-3:30pm which I enjoy. This schedule allows me to run errands after work, attend any appointments and still be back home at a decent hour to complete some school work. On the weekends, I make it a point to dedicate time to complete school work as well. This usually occurs early in the morning and the remainder or my day is delegated to household errands and responsibilities. Time management is important to me because I have learned that I get anxious when there a pending tasks that I have not completed. I have also learned not to be too rigid with my schedule as things do occur, such an unexpected food poisoning which will have an impact on what I can or cannot successfully do. In the past such interruptions to my plans would have been upsetting to me but I feel I have improved in that area and will be sure to continue improving. Nadia Moorehead posted Aug 23, 2024 12:31 PM
What I Like Most: I enjoy the time I am spending learning from my classes at UVI. Although it is extremely challenging, I enjoy learning new things in order to better myself. These classes help me feel fulfilled. What I Want to do More Of: I want to allocate more time to my creative pursuits and social activities with friends and family. They not only provide joy but help keep me motivated and balanced. I also want to continue reading more. I would love to start reading the classics. What I Want to Do Less Of: I’d like to spend time reducing my social media use and spend less time browsing. I can spend hours at night scrolling on social media before bed. Actions to Take: I plan to set clear boundaries for social media and schedule dedicated blocks of time for my hobbies. I will also try to be more intentional about how I allocate my time during the day. For example, setting an hour alarm at 8:00pm to read a new book every week. Worthwhile Activity: I actually did not expect this activity to worth my while. It was actually very enlightening. I plan on using this method on a weekly to a monthly basis to adjust my time management strategies. I may need to update it based on my current goals. Kimberly Gereau posted Aug 23, 2024 11:46 AM
What do I like most about my schedule?
I appreciate that I break down my tasks throughout the day to avoid feeling overwhelmed. In the morning after my meditation I dedicate time to my chapter readings for different classes. I always review the assignments beforehand which heightens my awareness while reading and allows me to make meaningful notes. During my lunch break at work I aim to complete at least one assignment. Although I don’t always finish it I manage to get a significant portion done. When I get home despite being tired I dedicate at least an hour to school tasks. In total, I spend approximately 3 to 3.5 hours daily on school-related activities.
What do I want to do more of with my time?
I want to focus my time on planning my long-term goals. I’m usually pretty organized with my short-term goals.
What do I want to do less of with my time?
I want to spend less time on unproductive activities. After reviewing my screen time analytics I’ve identified areas where I need to cut back. While I’m not heavily into social media I’ve noticed that I can get distracted by scrolling. This is something I’m actively working on changing.
What actions can I take in relation to how I spend my time?
I can be more purposeful and intentional with my time by planning ahead and staying organized to maximize my time. Avoid distractions and find ways to stay motivated. Every year I create a vision board which gives me a daily visual reminder of my aspirations, goals and dreams. Was this a worthwhile activity? Would you use it in the future?
I’m planning to apply for the UVI Creative Leadership for Innovation and Change PhD program next Fall and find enjoyment in researching topics related to my dissertation idea and planning for it. This activity keeps me motivated and focused on my long-term goals.
Timothy Rodney posted Aug 22, 2024 1:11 PM
The topic for this week is schedule analysis and starts with us creating a time schedule to record our daily activities over a 2 day period. The logging of my daily activities required little to no effort not because I’m not active but because my daily routine is strictly driven by my work schedule. Working 12hr days for 19 days with only 2 days off does not leave much options or time to live. So what do I like about my schedule is the consistency of my time being already predetermined. The preparation needed to maintain this schedule includes the commute, food choices, and the demands of family life so everyday is quite similar.
I would like to have more time off just to wind down and to spend time with my family doing normal things. There are significant compromises that are needed to sustain this schedule until late November. I would try to focus more on anything not related to work but the options are limited and this schedule should be completed in due time. Is it an easy schedule when you add school, family, and just day to day needs. The short and long answer is no but this assignment is to highlight your time and what can you improve going forward with your time. So I’m stuck but appreciate the effort of trying but I’ll have to take a hard pass on time management this semester .
Cassandra King posted Aug 22, 2024 12:19 PM
We are given 168 hours each week to shape our lives and work toward our goals. As a mother of three girls—two teenagers and one tween—a dedicated public high school teacher, a part-time mathematics instructor at our local university (UVI), and a full-time graduate student aspiring to become an administrator, I often feel stretched thin, constantly grappling with the notion that there’s never enough time in the day. Despite these demands, I know that it is my responsibility to manage my workload effectively while still making time for what matters most—quality moments with my family.
I closely monitored my daily activities over two days recently, and the results were both eye-opening and thought-provoking. Analyzing how I allocate my time offered valuable insights into my routines and priorities. For instance, I discovered that I spend an average of 4.5 hours daily on my phone. What was particularly alarming was that 2 of those hours were spent on Instagram, despite having set a self-imposed daily limit of 1.5 hours. I realized I’ve been guilty of ignoring the reminders meant to curb my social media usage.
Reflecting on this exercise, I recognized that what I value most in my current schedule is the quality time I spend with my family. I also take great satisfaction in balancing three graduate classes, a full-time job, and family time while still carving out some personal “me-time.” However, I see room for improvement, particularly in creating a more consistent exercise routine. Additionally, I plan to be more disciplined in adhering to the 1.5-hour daily limit I’ve set for Instagram.
This exercise was valuable because it revealed that I have more time in my schedule than I initially thought. I need to make a few adjustments, such as incorporating a time management tool like Google Calendar to block out specific times for tasks. Ultimately, this reflection isn’t just about managing time—it’s about intentionally aligning my life with my goals and values.
Michael Bell posted Week 2 Discussion: Schedule Analysis
By completing the time log for two days of my life, I could glimpse how I spend my time for the first time. What I have particularly liked about my working schedule is that I have had the opportunity to set and follow a schedule tuned adequately to what I do – work and study as much as I am aware that I have achieved to get particular segmenting of my time to my professional duties at the Department of Finance and my academic activities. This structure not only helps me stay more focused and the work more structured, but it also inspires me to always be on track to ensure I always accomplish my goals.
However, as I spent time with the time log, I discovered some general areas I prefer to spend more time on. For example, I sometimes wish to spend more time doing things I genuinely love and could consider personal development: reading, writing poems and stories, and working on my media projects, as per Schippers et al. (2020). All these activities are not only self-fulfilling but also part of my long-term career plans. At the same time, I realized that I spend more time than I would like on unproductive activities and distractions; these include partaking in social media and other unproductive interferences. Recognizing this, I see a clear path for improvement that could enable me to engage in tasks related to my goals and objectives in life and career.
Tatianna Khadoo posted What I like most about my schedule during my schedule analysis week was realizing how much time I squander and how much time I must complete tasks rather than scrambling and finishing them at the last minute. It taught me that time lost can be made up for, but it also taught me that I wasted a lot of time doing nothing during my high school and undergraduate years in college. When there were so many more things I could have done to make sure I was ready for old age. I’d like to devote more time to volunteering in the community and being more involved and active in my sorority. This will not only help me better myself, but it will also help me recognize who I really am. It will enable me to assist more people in need and the public with community service. Instead of stressing out, I would like to be able to finish tasks with an open mind and not worry about whether they were completed correctly. My goal is to be more efficient with my time so that I can complete crucial tasks. avoid concentrating on unimportant stuff. I want to cut down on the amount of time I spend putting things off. Additionally, practice saying no, especially when it comes to time management. I could, for example, practice saying no to people, especially when I’m busy and have deadlines to meet. prioritizing myself, taking care of my problems, and then helping others. Instead of putting myself last and them first. Set aside time for myself once a week so that I may be sufficiently organized and productive. Yes, this was a terrific activity, and it was interesting to understand that I need to change certain poor behaviors to make my life much easier. If things get too hectic and I lose control of everything, I will use it soon.


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