Instructions The next step in the process is to identify evidence that your inte


The next step in the process is to identify evidence that your intervention, your “I” in your PICO question, is supported in the literature.
• o Based on the PICO question you picked in the Unit 2 Assignment, find a research study (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods) about the intervention (not the problem) related to the problem identified.  Ensure the article is research based.
 Use the Library tab’s databases.
 You will need to use the search techniques you learned in Unit 2, the library tutorial assignment for Unit 1, and the article that was linked to in the Unit 2 assignment.
 Use the keywords that you identified for “intervention” in your Unit 2 PICO assignment. These are your search terms. o Directions for Search:
 In CINAHL, using the library tab directions from a previous assignment, put those keywords in the search box.  Further narrow your search by using the search options for full text and evidence-based practice.
 Use the search box “Publication Type” and choose “Randomized Controlled Trial.”
Note: From the Instructions above, I searched my school health library data based, and found the article attached below to support the “I” (intervention) part from my previous PICOT question generated during week 2 (previous assignment from week 2). Please note, we are doing different phases of the research method when in order to learn how to write and search for academic scientific research paper. During this assignment, the professor is looking for the intervention part of the research topic I picked during the 1 week of class. This paper was also written by you. If you need to refer back to it, please look at my previous orders. I will attach a copy of the original peer-reviewed article I used when searching for my topic (Smoking and the Risk for Developing Lung Cancer). Then, last Monday I was able to searched for another article to support the intervention part of my previous “PICOT” question to support the intervention of my topic. PLEASE FIND ARTCLE ATTACHED AS WELL. Bottom line for this assignement. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SEARCH TABLE FOR UNIT 5 ATTACHED based on my intervention article attached below. TABLE MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL, NO SPACES SHOULD BE LEFT BLANK. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. The table has questions that must be answer from the article about the intervention. Example, what type of study design is the article used, quantitative etc. PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ON THE TABLE. This is the assignment I need completed. Assignment to be done: Complete Unit 05 Search Table completely using the PICOT question document attached below. Support the information on the table using the article ” Effectiveness of Individuals Intervention COPD patients” this is the evidenced I found to support the “I” from my PICOT question APA format, citations, and references must be used at all times. In the citations, please make sure to include a page number or paragraph number to refer back to the article when need it. Thank you


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