Please use the bulleted points and the rubric below to guide your work. Your pa


Please use the bulleted points and the rubric below to guide your work. Your paper must include the bolded sub-headings provided (INTRODUCTION, METHODS, PARTICIPANTS, PROCEDURES, ANALYSIS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, and REFERENCES. Please make sure to include the subheadings) within the document, and should be written in paragraph form, following APA formatting throughout. Please use the yellow text-highlight feature of Microsoft Word to show where you’ve made edits to your work based on instructor feedback which I provided below.
-Where did you get these data from in the discussion section? Did you combine all of the data sets? That doenst align with the research question. The outcome variable for each of thef our data sets are different measures and thus different units. This why you have significant results. If you look at the gain scores you have massive differences due to comparing different outcomes. Please change this.
The Research paper should have the following…if it doesn’t then add it
Clear and succinct identification of the topic
Narrative of the relevant research that currently exists (integrate your Literature Review into this section following the model of the example papers provided)
Gap in literature identified, leading to your purpose statement and hypothesis
Demographic characteristics and sampling method identified
Inclusion and exclusion criteria identified
Identify how you protected human subjects and data privacy
Identify data collection protocol and how it fits within an experimental research design
Identify and describe your research instrument(s) and their validity/reliability
Plan for data analysis
Describe the method used for analyzing data
Identify results from your data analysis
Include at least one table and at least one figure to report your data
Summarize key findings
Compare and contrast your findings with past research
Explain mechanisms that were likely to be at play, giving you the results you found
Identify limitations and recommendations for future research
Include the figure you created/adapted from CAP 1 on the heirarchy (attached titled “Foundations of Research”) of research design, and explain the differences between each design and what each of them can and can’t conclude. Provide an example research question using your same topic that could be answered by each type of research design. I did not include animal studies so please include that on the critical assignment word document.


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