Instructions: critically reflect on course material and apply the learning obje


Instructions: critically reflect on course material and apply the learning objectives from the syllabus. You can select a topic of your choice that relates to the content within each critical period. Learning objectives from the syllabus; HDFS will help students:
● gain a better understanding of the developmental and social psychological theories of the fundamental processes involved in intergroup relations.
● explain the cognitive, affective, and social underpinnings of intergroup dynamics
● explore experiences of intergroup inequalities- discrimination, victimization, bullying, and exclusion
● analyze the theoretical approaches to improving intergroup relations and tolerance
● have students develop a plan of action to promote positive intergroup relations through
their expanded knowledge of and sensitivity to issues related to human diversity, multiculturalism, and systems of oppression.
Topic choices: Developmental and Social Theoretical Approaches to Intergroup Relations
Cognitive Processes
Social identity Development course material; Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood by: Jeffery Jensen Arnett
Please note that some of the prompts ask you to think about your own social identities and to reflect on how you can take action in your personal life
The reflections will be graded based on the following criteria: 1.5-2 pages double spaced, sufficient grammar, APA format
Identify and define a course topic (be sure to reference our readings and properly reference citations from lecture slides)
Describe your interest in the topic and its significance (e.g., why does this topic stick out to you? Were you previously familiar with the topic or is it entirely new to you? What kind of connection do you have to the topic?) Describe the relevant aspects of your social positionality in relation to the topic (e.g., how does your gender, racial identity, ability, SES, religion, access, etc. shape the way you understand this topic? see the positionality statements document in the supplemental materials folder on HuskyCT for an in-depth descriiption of what they are. You do not have to write a formal positionality statement, however this question is asking you to think along those lines). Identify an area or point of intervention where you personally could take action (e.g., if you were previously familiar with the topic because of personal experiences, how could you step in/provide aid/promote prosocial interaction? If the topic was unfamiliar, can you speculate on ways you could see a connection for taking action?) My social identities: Race and ethnnicity: white, italian Gender: female
Sexual orientation: straight Religion: cstholic
Socioeconomic status: middleclass or working class, i am a college student and i also waitress at a restaurant 4-5 days a week. Nationality: American Age: 21


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