In his essay, “What do We Mean by God?” David Cunningham presents a contemporar


In his essay, “What do We Mean by God?” David Cunningham presents a contemporary version of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan consensus that God is “one God in essence, distinguished by three persons.” (Migliore, 75) Explain how Cunningham’s doctrine of the Trinity is true to Nicea. I recommend that you use the first two or three paragraphs of your brief to answer this part of the question. Be sure to include in your answer how Cunningham depicts the relationship between essence and persons (pp. 79-83). In your concluding paragraph, name and explain ONE way in which Cunningham reconstructs the doctrine so as to address the contemporary context (see especially pp. 79-83). Note that there are SEVERAL good answers to this second part of the question, so just pick ONE aspect of his reconstruction of the doctrine to discuss. Just like last week, you will need the full 2 pages (ca. 500 words) to do this Theological Brief well. Given the complexity of this doctrine, I strongly recommend that you organize and outline your answer including the key concepts, definitions and short quotes from Cunningham’s essay BEFORE you write. Then edit it through once you are done. You will discover that you will use your allotted space in this way more wisely.


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