Instructions: 1. On a separate document (docx., pdf, google docs, etc.) please c


1. On a separate document (docx., pdf, google docs, etc.) please create your 3-2-1 report.
2. Your report must be in MLA format which means, it must be:
1-inch margins all around
Times New Roman (font style)
12 pt (font size)
Double spaced (line spacing)
3. After you’ve read the assigned reading, you will give me 3 things that stood out to you while reading (anything you found interesting, agreed with, liked, etc.) and you will also give me a short explanation as to why you chose those 3 things. You will then give me 2 things that you didn’t like (disagreed with, would like to change, found confusing, had questions about) and explain why. Lastly, you will create 1 question that is geared towards the author about the reading and explain how you came up with this question. This is why it is called a 3-2-1 report.
***I will not be too hard about the page requirement. However, I’d like to see quality work. ***
4. Once you have completed your report, under the “3-2-1 Report” assignment link you will click on upload files. That is where you will upload your document then click submit at the bottom.
I will leave an example below so that you are able to see how I want your page to look when doing this report.


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