Imagine that you are employed as an IT project manager by a fast-food organizat


Imagine that you are employed as an IT project manager by a fast-food organization. This organization operates many fast-food shops within the region and would like to promote its brand by creating a mobile application that will provide its customers with the ability to view the nearest fast-food shop location within their geographical area.
As a member of the software development team, you estimate a total project cost of $175,000. You have designated control points to measure project progress. At control point 2, the following data is available:
Budget Cost of Work Performed: $34,000.
Actual Cost of Work Performed: $37,500.
There are various stakeholders that are interested in the progress of the project. These stakeholders include the marketing management team (internal customers), software designers, programmers, testers, and upper management. The software development team has attempted to release a mobile application of this magnitude in the past; however, lack of sponsorship, mobile development expertise, and technical infrastructure has limited the team’s success.
Write a 3 page paper in which you:
Identify at least four attributes of the mobile application development project that can be measured and controlled and evaluate how each is a critical factor for the success of the project.
Generate a project plan summary of the various project milestones. Develop a WBS that details work packages required to complete the project scope.
Develop a workflow model that can be used to inspect and detect defects during the acceptance of this mobile product through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio or an open-source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
Describe how the defects detected during the acceptance of the mobile application should be reported and explain the circumstances in which a defect may not require reporting.
Analyze the communication needs of the different project stakeholders. Explain the types of project status reports that would be useful to each.
Compute the cost variance, schedule variance, cost performance index, schedule performance index, and estimated actual cost using the information presented at control point 2. Interpret the project schedule and budget status from the calculations.
Explain how the work package, binary tracking, and earned valued reporting can be used effectively during the maintenance phase of the software life cycle if various change requests may be assigned to individuals and processed on an individual basis.
Develop a risk register that will document all of the estimated risks. Assign one risk management technique for each risk and explain the basis for your selection.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Evaluate project monitoring and risk management strategies for a software development project.
Instructor Insights for Week 8 Assignment
From Instructor: This paper is similar to the Week 6 assignment. You will make a Project plan for a different scenario with some of the same information (WBS) and some new parts that were not in the Week 6 assignment.
This time, it is a fast food chain restaurant owner who wants to make a Find the Location of their nearest restaurant, creating an app to locate the closest restaurant.
Some new things, like the budget, are shared. You will need some information to use the beyond-the-scenario to enhance your project plan.
There are eight (8) questions to answer to make up this project plan.
identify at least four attributes of the mobile application development project that can be measured and controlled and evaluate how each is a critical factor for the success of the project.
Attributes are parts of the project that must be completed based on the scenario. This scenario does not spell out the development, but you have all seen Apps that locate things. Use that experience to say what screens would be needed to make the content for this project.
Generate a project plan summary of the various project milestones. Develop a WBS that details work packages required to complete the project scope.
*** There is no format specific here for the WBS. I will take either the MS Project version of Figure 5-5 or the Table 5-4 formats. NOT THE DIAGRAM.
Either of these two methods. The level two information, as per the textbook, will be the major milestones.
I will accept any of these two formats for the WBS.
Like Table 5-4 Like an outline (book calls it a Tabular format)
Like Figure 5-5 MS Project format.
3. Develop a workflow model that can be used to inspect and detect defects during the acceptance of this mobile product through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio or an open-source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
This is a workflow diagram Flow chart diagram like Figure 8-8. You need to research defect detection and correction to make a plan and put it into diagram format.
Describe how the defects detected during the acceptance of the mobile application should be reported and explain the circumstances in which a defect may not require reporting.
This question is research and report. You should have a bunch to write about as you made the diagram above. This a paragraph formatted about the defects detected during the “Acceptance” part of building the application. (Final testing after the program is built)
Analyze the communication needs of the different project stakeholders. Explain the types of project status reports that would be useful to each.
This goes with the Discussion post for this week as well; it is the same research. Just apply it to this scenario. Different stakeholders get different communications. Look at the list of stakeholders in the scenario and what communication each will receive.
Compute the cost variance, schedule variance, cost performance index, schedule performance index, and estimated actual cost using the information presented at control point 2. Interpret the project schedule and budget status from the calculations.
This is a calculation based on the scenario. The scenario provides some budget information for the calculations.
Explain how the work package, binary tracking, and earned valued reporting can be used effectively during the maintenance phase of the software life cycle if various change requests may be assigned to individuals and processed on an individual basis.
This is a research and report question. Base the answer on the scenario. In other work, look at change requests after the project is complete (maintenance phase) and how work would be accomplished and by whom. Again, this is based on this IOS app that was created.
Develop a risk register that will document all of the estimated risks. Assign one risk management technique for each risk and explain the basis for your selection.
***Just 3 to 4 risks are fine.
Look up a risk register. An example in the book is Table 11-4. Just make a spreadsheet and fill out risks that the project of building this software much face which can be technological, financial, organizational, outside factors or others.
You will also need to assign the risk management technique (a way to mitigate the risk) as part of a written answer for each risk. Short on explaining why it is a risk, how you would mitigate it, and why the mitigation would lessen or eliminate the risk.


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