In last week’s Discussion, you examined the impact of cybersecurity risk on an


 In last week’s Discussion, you examined the impact of cybersecurity risk on an organization. This week, you will put yourself in the position of a senior-level executive in that organization and will discuss with your colleagues your ideas for how you might change the IS/IT approach of that organization to better manage—or even eliminate—cybersecurity risks and threats going forward. 
To prepare for this Discussion:
Return to last week’s Discussion and consider any ideas your colleagues brought forward in that Discussion that you want to incorporate into this week’s post.
Review the article you included in your post last week and, if needed, do some additional research to locate examples of organizations that have implemented particular strategies for managing cybersecurity risk.
As you draft your initial post, write it from the perspective of the senior leader in your selected organization. You can use your creativity to either craft a memo to your board of directors or a statement of intent for the changes you’d like to make to your IT organization/department. The format of your post is up to you, as long as you provide the required content.
Post a synthesis of your recommendations for how your selected organization can mitigate cybersecurity risks in the future, to include the following:
Propose two or three strategies you will employ within your IT organization/department to more effectively manage cybersecurity threats and risks. (You have license to form new teams, hire additional staff, or any number of other approaches. Assume you have the budget required to make whatever changes you feel are needed.)
For each strategy be sure to include a rationale for why you selected it, being sure to incorporate appropriate references to support your points.
Refer to the Week 5 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.
Read some of your colleagues’ postings.


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