For this assignment you will answer question number four from Bunn’s “How to Rea


For this assignment you will answer question number four from Bunn’s “How to Read Like a Writer” with an example of an applied example of multimodal literacy to define the differences between written and visual context in the 21st century. In one paragraph with eight to nine complete sentences, answer the following question from the reading on “How to Read Like a Writer” in   Writing   Spaces:   4.   What are some of the different ways that you can learn about  the   context  of a text before you begin reading it? Include one example of a traditional literary work and either an adaptation from media or another example of visual literacy in the 21st century. Compare and contrast the different approaches to context. Upload an image to explain the context. Refer to the PowerPoint: Eng 101 Lecture for Week Two-1.pptxActionsFocus on specific subtitles and aspects of the traditional reading in comparison to the multimodal example to answer the question.Include a topic sentence that presents an overview of the purpose of the entire paragraph. Then, present some background context to gradually lead into the main points answering the question by first stating the author’s name and article article title, as well as other necessary information. Identify the author of the traditional work and title, as well as the example of multimodal literacy. Then, identify the main points that answer the question and describe them in detail in a chronological order of importance. Start with the traditional text first. Then, compare the traditional reading to the visual image and context from the example of multimodal literacy. Give a specific claim and example from each. If you are unsure of how to cite, cite as follows:                                               (author’s name or title of the source). Then, explain how Bunn’s writing ties in more specifically. Paraphrase where you directly copied the author’s ideas to answer the question with a citation at the end of the sentence as follows: (Bunn pg.). Paraphrasing means that you are putting the author’s ideas in your own words without using the same diction or syntax and still giving the author credit. If you would like to quote, first, make a claim using logical modes of reasoning and rhetorical appeals. Then, cite a quote by leading into the quote first always by stating the author’s name and a transition word or phrase before quoting. Analyze how the quote proves your claim using logical modes and rhetorical modes in at least one to two sentences. Upload the image of comparison at the end of the assignment. You only need one claim for each point answering the question about the ways you learn about the context before reading the text in both examples. Failing to cite is considered plagiarism. Try to start with the least important point and conclude with the most important point, though all are important to build to the main point of the paragraph. There should be a conclusion sentence stating how you proved the main point of the paragraph.
ARTICLE: How-to-Read.pdf (


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