This is a real struggle and it will not be easy to solve but your assignment for


This is a real struggle and it will not be easy to solve but your assignment for this week is create strategies to ensure the safety and well being of communities and identify the reality of a change management solution.  
Some of the things to consider: Community Policing Transition; Resource Allocation; Training and Skill Enhancement for Police Officers; Recruitment/Retention; Technology Integration to the job; Partnership with Nonprofits/Organizations; Task Force Role and utilization; Public Education; Transparency and Accountability; Data Driven Decisions; Crisis Intervention; Volunteer Programs.
Welcome to your new job!  Your priority is to solve this shortage of police officers……now what?  Think about he problem in Dr. Johnson’s book – transformational and transactional leadership – the delusions of leadership and the major biases.  
Leaders have been trying to solve this exact problem for years with what I would describe as minimal success.  Critically consider this reality and the context of which you are attempting to solve this problem.  


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