Respond to two (2) of the following prompts: Where and how do you get your news?


Respond to two (2) of the following prompts:
Where and how do you get your news? Do you watch network television? Read the newspaper? Go online? How about your parents or grandparents? Do you think it matters where you seek out information? Why, or why not? (USLO 7.1)
How have digital media changed social interactions? Do you believe it has deepened or weakened human connections? Defend your answer. (USLO 7.2)
Do you think technology has truly leveled the world in terms of opportunity? What is your community’s situation in terms of digital inclusion – do you feel there are communities in your region that are struggling to achieve digital inclusion and equity? What are some techniques that we may use to achieve digital equity and inclusion in the U.S.? (USLO 7.3)
In what ways has the Internet and digital apps changed your perception of reality? Explain using a symbolic interactionist, functionalist, and conflict theory perspective. (USLO 7.4)


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