Module 5 Discussion 1 1 unread reply. 1 1 reply. By no later than 11:59pm TUESDA


Module 5 Discussion
1 1 unread reply. 1 1 reply.
By no later than 11:59pm TUESDAY, create a video post please respond to at least TWO questions from Chapter 5 and TWO questions from Chapter 6:
Chapter 5
1. Is there anything that is meaningful to you but that you find difficult, if not impossible, to put into words?
2. The text discusses two different levels of misunderstanding, contextual assumptions and verbal communication. Based on your own observations, which of these do you think creates the most problems in intercultural settings? Why? How easy is it to separate these in actual practice?
3. How potent do you believe is the influence of language on our lives? What impact has learning other languages had on your own thought processes?
4. What examples can you think of where people have violated the maxims suggested by Grice? How has their violation impacted the way you understood their message? How do you feel when someone is speaking to others around you in a language you cannot understand? 5. Can you think of an example of gratuitous concurrence in your own life? Have you ever just nodded in agreement with someone even though you could not understand him or her because of language difficulties, but you didn’t want to keep asking the person what he or she had said? How did you feel in that situation? What was the outcome? 6. How do you think calling people by their professional titles, nicknames, terms of endearment or kinship terms affect your interactions with them?
7. If you are a speaker of multiple languages, think about times when you switch from one language to another while interacting with people. With whom are you talking? At what point(s) do you switch from one language to the other? Why do you think you (and others) do that? What is the outcome of code switching? Chapter 6
1. Do you know anyone who does not adhere to your use of Regulators in conversation? Anyone you are acquainted with who speaks over you or always seems to interrupt in conversations? In what way could you exaggerate your personal use of Regulators to be an example or help that person (or multiple people) learn how to participate in conversations more equally?
2. Can you identify consistent use of Adaptors in people with whom you are close? They are often gestures and other actions you are so familiar with that you may not even recognize an Adaptor in those who are in your intimate circle of friends and family. Is there a gesture that lets you know when someone is upset? Tired? Sad? What are those Adaptors, AND do you notice that you also use them?
3. Substitution and Accentuation are two ways that nonverbal communication are commonly used. What are two examples of each that you commonly use to convey meaning without use of words? Have you been misunderstood? 4. Use of emojis are a type of nonverbal communication. Which do you most commonly use? Any misinterpretations that you cleared up with words, or questioned if your message was received as you intended? 5. Emblems are commonly used in daily life, but not universally understood the same way. What emblem do you use most frequently? Recall an instance when an emblem you used was misunderstood. Describe how you might have clarified your intent or improved your nonverbal communication.
please number which questions you decide to do


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