Throughout the course you will need to evaluate lessons against specific criteri


Throughout the course you will need to evaluate lessons against specific criteria. There are many sources online for lessons. Some that you might want to consider include:
Share My Lesson – free registration
One of the most important reading strategies is explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is used to teach students a new strategy or skill. There are many lessons we teach that are not explicit instruction. The following indicators are evident in classrooms that implement explicit instruction effectively.
Purpose of lesson (in terms of measurable outcomes) is clear.
Lesson focuses on skills that students are ready to learn-neither too easy nor too hard. An assessment, formal or informal embedded in instruction, is used and data is gathered to determine if students need the skill and are ready to learn it
Teacher presents ideas and models skills clearly and accurately by using language students can understand.
Teacher TELLS the students the following 5 items:
What they are Learning
What it is
Why it is important to reading
When to use the strategy
How to use the strategy
Teacher provides opportunities for guided and independent practice.
Teacher checks for understanding/skill mastery and responds accordingly.
Teacher uses strategies to differentiate instruction in respect to content, process, and product.
Think of a lesson you have taught recently that involved teaching a new skill or strategy to students. Evaluate your performance by using the explicit instruction indicators. Summarize the lesson, reflect on the indicators, and describe one area of strength and one area requiring improvement for effective explicit instruction. Write about how the improvement might affect the reading trajectory of your students.
If you are not currently teaching find a lesson online. Evaluate the teacher performance by using the explicit instruction indicators. Summarize the lesson, reflect on the indicators, and describe one area of strength and one area requiring improvement for effective explicit instruction. Write about how the improvement might affect the reading trajectory of students.
Assignment Guidelines
For your assignment:
Indicate the grade level of your lesson
Provide a summary of the lesson (you do not need to include the lesson) including:
Descriiption of the lesson components
Lesson Objectives
An analysis of the lesson corresponding with each indicator of explicit instruction (from above)
A thoughtful, detailed example of one strength of the lesson
One area that requires improvement for effective explicit instruction.
Explain how the improvement might affect the reading trajectory of your students


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