Instruction After reading the chapter and watching the related lecture, watch E


Instruction After reading the chapter and watching the related lecture, watch Extreme Love – Autism, paying careful attention to Nicky and Joey. Choose EITHER Nicky OR Joey as the topic of your Based on the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder described in the text, lecture and other assigned instruction materials. discuss at least four (4) of the symptoms, applicable specifiers (i.e., language, cognition) and severity level you observed in the adolescent you chose.
-For each diagnostic criterion describe at least one (1) specific behavior you observed (or was reported by collateral sources) as evidence the criterion is met. -Based on your observations, which specifiers (language, cognition) from the text/lecture are appropriate and why?
-Using the DSM severity scale in the text, where would you place this adolescent? Support your answer.
-Review the typical interventions and therapeutic approaches from the text, lecture and other assigned instruction materials. Which of the interventions/therapies did you observe being used to assist the adolescent you selected? Did you observe any techniques that were not described in the assigned instruction materials?
-Choose EITHER Nicky OR Joey as the subject for your entire post – please do not write about both. If you do not recall the specifiers for ASD, look them up in the text/lecture – please do not guess! All observations you note must be linked to the DSM5 diagnostic criterion, so that there is a difference between simply summarizing what you saw (requires no study) and identifying DSM criteria (requires study). For example: Joey demonstrates [DSM criterion] when he is observed [behavioral observation]; The specifier with/without [specifier] is appropriate for Nicky because he [behavioral observation]. The same is true when discussing interventions, which may be categorized as psychological, biological or psychosocial. A good post will demonstrate both your awareness of the DSM diagnostic criteria and your ability to recognize it by the examples you cite as evidence.


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