**** loook at rubric I attached and DO BOTH ESSAYS. *** Grading an Essay, a Te


**** loook at rubric I attached and DO BOTH ESSAYS. ***
Grading an Essay, a Term Paper, and PROVIDING Feedback
Purpose: The purposes of this assignment are twofold. The first purpose is for students to demonstrate (learn) how to score an essay and a term paper using Holistic versus Analytic rubrics and to provide constructive feedback to the students who wrote the papers. Another purpose for this assignment is to analyze the paper scores of your MSN peers to determine if there are any discrepancies in grading and determine why these discrepancies exist. Process: There are two parts to this assignment; GRADING two (2) papers (using the textbook assigned rubrics) and sharing your work with peers in the DISCUSSION forum.
Scenario: You are a professor of nursing in the UNA Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions. After a thorough analysis of the curriculum, faculty have decided that scholarly writing is needed in every nursing course. The two courses you have been assigned to teach semester are an Introduction to Nursing Course and an Evidence-Based Practice Research Course. Thus, the introduction course, which is a pre-nursing course, has a short essay as an evaluation method and the Research course, which is a sophomore level course, has a term paper requirement. Essay Rubric/Grading Instructions. Use the following two resources to guide you as you grade the student essay. Write comments to the student.
Resource 1: Utilize the Suggestions for Writing (page 110) and Criteria for Assessing/Scoring Essay Items (pages 165-172)
Resource 2: AND utilize a Holistic Scoring (page 114) or Analytic Scoring Rubric (page 115) to score the student’s essay. The student essay that will be graded is located in the Module 2 Assignment list. Additional things to consider as you grade the student’s essay: From your research on the short essay health topic, did the student provide multiple perspectives? If not, what additional perspectives were needed (cite the source for the student in your comments). How was theory and research used? How could the paper be organized differently? Provide rationale to the student. You are required to provide substantive comments and feedback on the rubric or paper. Be sure to type comments on the paper providing the student examples of what was done well and what needs improvement. Also list resources that will help them be successful if needed.
APA Writing Style. Note APA format is a requirement for term papers (not essays) in the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions. Although points are not deducted for APA format errors in the essay assignment, you, the teacher, are to provide students with APA instructions and feedback for future papers. Begin teaching them the principles of APA in this assignment but do not count off points for APA problems.
TERM PAPER: Grade a student term paper. Term Paper Rubric/Grading Instructions. Use the following three resources to guide you as you grade the student essay listed in Module 2.
Resource 1: For the term paper use Exhibit 9.1 Criteria for Assessing Papers and Other Written Assignments (page 166) to guide you as you grade the term paper.
Resource 2: Utilize the Sample Scoring Rubric for Term papers and Other Written assignments Table 9.1 (pages 167-168).
Resource 3: Utilize Checklist for Writing Structure and Style Table 9.2 (pages 153-154) to grade the Term Paper. Write comments to the student.
Things to consider as you grade the student’s term paper: Score the term paper using the rubric and add significant comments and feedback to the student. From your research on the term paper topic, did the student provide a clear introduction and conclusion?). How was theory and research used? How could the paper be organized differently? What was confusing or disorganized and what could be done to improve the term paper? Provide rationale to the student. You are required to provide substantive comments and feedback on the rubric or paper. Be sure to give the student examples of what was done well and what needs improvement and list resources that will help them be successful if needed.
APA Writing Style. Note APA format IS a requirement for all term papers in the Anderson College of Nursing. Hint: remember the current APA edition that is required when grading 🙂 Give and Receive Feedback: The final step is to share your work in the discussion forum. In your post, include your comments to the students, as well as your rubrics. Give and receive feedback to/from your peers. Were your grades similar or different? Why? What could be done to ensure that all faculty grade work equally and fairly? (15 points) See Grading Rubric.
Review the instructions listed below for Grading the Essay and Term Paper and then use this information to grade the two student papers listed in the Module 2 Assignment. (125 points)


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