Dewey Sequence Purpose: In your academic, personal, and professional lives, bein


Dewey Sequence
Purpose: In your academic, personal, and professional lives, being able to effectively solve a problem is an essential skill.  Carefully examining a problem to understand its history, causes, and effects, as well as past and current solutions, will enable you to identify and advocate for effective solutions in multiple areas of your life.
Skills:  The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills, which are essential for success in your field and program:
    •    Analyze a problem and develop an optimal solution using the Dewey Sequence
    •    Evaluate information and sources, including peer-reviewed research articles, for appropriateness, reliability, validity, and bias
    •    Use APA Style to integrate credible scholarly source material, without distorting the meaning, to enhance the written work
    •    Produce written work that clearly presents specific and developed ideas
Assignment Prompt
1.) For this essay, you are required to:
    •    Write about any problem that is of interest to you
    •    Propose a new solution that will work to solve part or all of the problem
IMPORTANT:  You should select a problem that you can successfully define and analyze and propose and defend a solution for in a minimum of 1,200 words.  For example, world poverty is too broad of a topic for an essay of this length, but poverty in Cleveland is a manageable topic.
2.) Your essay must do the following (based on the Dewey Sequence
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    •    Define the problem, exploring its current state
    •    Examine the problem’s history
    •    Analyze the problem’s causes and effects
    •    Propose a solution and discuss how it could be implemented
    •    Defend the proposed solution and address any potential objections
    •    Use research-based support (integrated through quoting and paraphrasing)
    •    Include APA Style in-text citations and references for all content incorporated through paraphrasing and quoting
3.) Your essay must include the following:
    •    An introduction with a hook (review Hooks and Attention Grabbers opens in new window
( examples) and strong thesis statement
    •    Developed body paragraphs with strong topic sentences, cited support, and concluding sentences
    •    At least four (4) unique sources, cited and referenced properly in APA style (no more than 20% of
essay consists of quoted text)
Research-based support integrated through quoting and paraphrasing for all claims/examinations
A word count of 1,200 words, at a minimum (excludes cover page and references page)


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