This is the thread that you need to respond to at least 2 classmates each week.Y


This is the thread that you need to respond to at least 2 classmates each week.You will not get full points without this part of the discussion being met. Remember to get your personal response done by Wednesday!!
1. What is the biggest area with regards to exercise and fitness that you need to FOCUS on this week?
2. What is the biggest variable in your eating habits that you need to FOCUS on to make your eating more healthy?
3. Do you consider yourself an overall FOCUSED individual, or do you struggle with this in your life?
4. Are you more FOCUSED in certain areas than other areas of your life? For example you FOCUS on school, homework and good grades but do not focus on regular exercise or clean eating? Or you FOCUS on family and other people more than on yourself?
5. Find and share a mantra or quote with the class to help keep you focused.


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