You are tasked as the Cyber Security Director at your new organization with g


You are tasked as the Cyber Security Director at your new organization with getting a new policy in place with your insurance company to cover any potential cybersecurity issues. In order to obtain this policy, you have to provide the insurance company with a thorough report covering the organization’s systems, and showcasing the work that you have done to bring the organization into shape. Your report should have a solid opening covering how your work has brought about a more solid approach to the principle of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability as well as providing a timeline for completion of the work recommended. Secondly, you will then provide summaries of each of the previous 7 assignments covering the key points that highlight the work done. Thirdly, you will create a wrap-up/conclusion explaining your organization’s commitment to solid Cybersecurity Principles as identified by NIST on their website. Finally, you will integrate the content from the previously submitted weekly assignments into the document as appendices for the summaries showing the work you completed in more depth. 
30 – 40 Pages in length in APA format (not including a cover page and reference section) covering all eight course objectives listed below.
Papers need to be double-spaced and in 12-point times new roman font
Cover Page
Reference Section (include all references from all assignments)
Use current and real-world data to make your points, not just the textbook
Your Capstone Project Paper is due by Sunday, not later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
CO-1: Examine the various aspects of cybersecurity, including the relationship between cyber defense, cyber operations, cyber exploitations, cyber intelligence, cybercrime, and Cyberlaw within Federal and State Laws
CO-2: Deconstruct the processes and goals of cyber forensics investigations, including the importance of search warrants and chain of custody in a forensic investigation of computer-related crimes
CO-3: Prepare a plan to manage functions that encompass overseeing a program or technical aspect of a security program at a high level, ensuring currency with changing risk and threat environments.
CO-4: Prepare a plan to design functions that encompass scoping a program or developing procedures, processes, and architectures that guide work execution at the program and/or system level.
CO-5: Develop strategies and plans for security architecture consisting of tools, techniques, and technologies to detect and prevent network penetration, and to design effective cybersecurity countermeasures.
CO-6: Develop a policy to analyze network designs, topologies, architectures, protocols, communications, administration, operations, and resource management for wired, wireless, and satellite networks that affect the security of the cyberspace.
CO-7: Develop a policy to implement functions that encompass putting programs, processes, or policies into action within an organization.
CO-8: Prepare a plan to evaluate functions that encompass assessing the effectiveness of a program, policy, process, or security service in achieving its objectives.  
The introduction clearly states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper.
The introduction clearly states the main topic but only partially previews the structure of the paper.
The introduction states the main topic, but does not preview the structure of the paper.
There is no clear introduction of the main topic or structure of the paper.
X 2.5
Paragraph Construction
All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence.
Most paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence.
Paragraphs included related information but were typically not constructed well.
Paragraphing structure was not clear and sentences were not typically related within the paragraphs.
X 2.5
Details are placed in a logical order and correspond to the structure presented in the introduction.
Details are sometimes logically placed, but do not correspond to the structure presented in the introduction.
Some details are not in a logical or expected order, and this distracts the reader.
Many details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized.
X 2.5
A variety of thoughtful transitions are used. They clearly show how ideas are connected.
Transitions clearly show how ideas are connected, but there is little variety.
Some transitions work well; but connections between other ideas are fuzzy.
The transitions between ideas are unclear or nonexistent.
X 2.5
Supportive Research
Supporting research studies and/or reports are research-based and accurately reported.
Supporting research studies and/or reports are not accurately reported.
Research studies and/or reports do not support the discussion.
Research studies and/or reports are limited and/or inaccurately reported.
X 2.5
Quality of Information
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. The paper is in APA format and the body of the paper is between 8 and 10 pages.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples. The paper is not completely in APA format and the body of the paper is between 8 and 10 pages.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.The paper is not completely in APA format and the body of the paper is between 8 and 10 pages.
Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic. The paper is completely in APA format and the body of the paper is between 8 and 10 pages.
X 2.5
The conclusion effectively summarizes the discussion and provides at least two recommendations for further research.
The conclusion summarizes the paper but provides only one recommendation for further research.
The conclusion partially summarizes the discussion, but provides no recommendations.
The conclusion is poorly constructed.
X 2.5
All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in APA. If you had a citation in the body of your work you must have the appropriate reference in the reference section. (Provided at least 10 references)
Two sources are not documented in APA format. If you had a citation in the body of your work you must have the appropriate reference in the reference section. (Provided at least 10 references)
Several sources are not documented in APA format. Not all citations match the reference in the reference section.(Provided less than 10 references)
Several sources are not documented in APA format.Not all citations match the reference in the reference section. Provided less than 5 references)
X 2.5
No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
One grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Two grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
More than two grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
X 2.5
All late submissions have a 10 point (10%) deduction.


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