Police Discretion Assignment:  Please read the following two ethical decision m


 Police Discretion
Please read the following two ethical decision making scenarios: The Room at the End of the Hall and Supercop. Each scenario has a number of questions that need to be answered. Please read the questions carefully and answer each as thoroughly and accurately as possible. Both decision making scenarios are provided in the Module.
The Room at the End of the Hall
Is this situation a university or police matter? Why? Does the fact that the young girl seems to have a “reputation” make a difference? 
Are you subject to any liability issues in this case?
What do you feel would be a responsible and just outcome to this case? What additional information would you need in order to make an accurate assessment?
Super Cop
Discuss the arguments of both sides for using such investigative techniques. What would you do in this situation?
How could a criminal investigator develop informants without using money or “promises”?
In you opinion, when does a police officer have justification in “throwing back the little fish” in favor of apprehending serious offenders? Explain your answer.
Your responses should be supported by academic research or class materials as needed.
Each scenario is worth 10 points = 20 points total
Assignment Guidelines:
Title Page:                   Include the class, the professor and your name.
Paper Length:             About 2 pages per scenario – A little over if you require
References:                 As support – no limit 
Layout:                        Title of scenario followed by numbered questions – Repeat
Margins:                      One-inch margins on all sides of the paper
Font:                            The document must be in Times Roman 12
Line Spacing:               Everything must be double-spaced
Style:                            Use the American Psychological Association manual for formatting
Citations:                     Everything must be appropriately cited in the text and in the Reference section
Page Numbers:            All pages must be numbered except the title page
Spelling:                       Spelling errors will result in a deduction of points
Grammar:                     Poor grammar will result in a deduction of points


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