Students must fulfill the following requirements: For this assignment Cushing’s


Students must fulfill the following requirements: For this assignment Cushing’s Disease Based on your chosen disease, you must independently write an informative “one-pager”, similar to the one-page handouts often provided to patients at physician’s offices, on the chosen disease state. This report must focus on the human body system(s) and system(s) physiology impacted by the disease. You are free to use information about cell physiology and pharmacology to aid in your discussion, though the report should maintain a focus on the physiology of the affected system(s), comparing its healthy state to its unhealthy state when affected by the disease. Resources used in this assignment must be sourced from credible scientific literature, such as scientific journal articles. Please avoid any website-style sources in your research, except for in the “Patient Resources” section, as outlined below. Fulfill the following requirements: STRUCTURE: The format of this assignment is loosely based on the real and respected Patient Fact Sheets produced by the American Thoracic Society, two examples of which can be found at: What is the flu? What is asthma? Student assignments must use the following subheadings to address the following topics: “What is Cushing’s Disease ?”: Give a brief introduction of the chosen disease (e.g. what are the general symptoms, who is affected, is the underlying cause for it known, [if relevant] what environmental exposures can predispose its development, etc.) “What does Cushing’s Disease affect?”: Describe the physiology of the primary organ system that the disease impacts under healthy conditions. A disease may impact several organ systems, but the focus should be on the one system that is impacted the most. “What changes are caused by Cushing’s Disease?” Describe the pathophysiology of the disease in detail. This is the main focus of the assignment. After determining the origin/cause of the disease, students should discuss how the impacted organ and its associated body system are affected. Students are responsible for comparing the pathophysiological state caused by the disease to the normal physiological state of the affected body system. Predict at least one other organ system that is impacted by the pathophysiological state of the primary organ system due to the disease, and explain how/why this occurs. Describe the impact of the pathophysiology on whole-body homeostasis. “What can I do about Cushing’s Disease?” Provide a brief overview of one treatment for the disease and the effects of the treatment on the body system(s) physiology. “Patient Resources” List two additional, reputable patient-friendly sources of information. These should not be primary (i.e. research) scientific journal articles, rather should be accessible resources (e.g. society websites or accessibly-written review articles) that have been vetted for accuracy. “References” Include your two most important sources used in researching your disease (from credible scientific literature, such as peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, including reference articles) somewhere on the patient fact sheet in a compact but searchable format (i.e., it is not recommended you use APA here, as this is a more lengthy format). All of the references you used to support the creation of your info sheet must be included in a full, modified APA-format References list on a separate sheet. For this assignment only, “modified APA-format” means that: your final “References” list is to have numbers (1, 2, 3…) in front of each reference these numbers will be used for in-text citations: you are not required to use “(Last Name, Date)” style APA in-text citations for this assignment due to their bulk, but rather can use the numbers corresponding to each reference in superscript form at the end of your statements to provide your citations. “Action Plan” Include a small textbox outlining the 4 main take-home messages or pieces of guidance a patient newly diagnosed with your condition should know or follow.


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