After reading the articles in the module and checking out the exhibits found at


After reading the articles in the module and checking out the exhibits found at MARBLES Kids Museum, you will imagine taking a Kindergarten class field trip to Marbles Kids Museum! You will describe the lessons and activities you will teach before the trip (based on a NC Social Studies Standard), describe a follow-up project; and then a final presentation for the public (parents and other school members.) Format: One-page paper State your standard: Choose a standard from the NC Kindergarten Social Studies Standards (found in the file provided)
Preparing for the trip (one paragraph) What lessons will you teach before you go to incorporate the standard into their experience? How will you prepare students for what they will see and do so they will interact in a more meaningful way? How can you relate all the fun to their learning goals? What vocabulary words can you introduce? For example, there is an exhibit all about different occupations. This can be related to standard K.E.1 Understanding Basic Economic Concepts. Before the trip, you might explore different occupations through lessons, stories, and dramatic play. The hope would be that students will relate the ideas from the lessons when they are playing in the occupation exhibit. Follow-up project: (One paragraph) What activities or projects will you do as a follow-up after your visit to Marbles? For example, you might have a “Career Day” and ask students to come to school dressed as they want to be when they grow up and share with the class.
The Final Display: (One paragraph) Field trips are often funded by parents, the school, and even the wider community. How will you display the student work to share the experience with them? Will you have students present to parents, other classes, make a class book, display projects in the hallway, etc…
Each paragraph should be 4-5 good sentences with good details and descriiptions. Each aspect of the experience: the preparation, student work, and display should relate back to the standard you chose.
Understanding change over time
How people change over time. Physical, Intellectual, Influence of Environment
How seasons change over time.
Life events bring change.
Geography and Environmental Literacy
Use Geographic Representations and Terms to Describe Surroundings
Use maps to locate places in the classroom, school and home.
How to use a map
Maps represent real places
Parts of maps (legend, title, symbols, compass rose)
Properly use terminology (place, map, directions, etc.)
Use globes and maps to locate land and water features (globe vs. map)
Identify physical features (mountains, rivers, lakes, hills, roads, etc.)
Identify locations in the classroom using positional words (near/far, above/below, left/right, etc)
Understand the interactions between humans and the environment
Explain how people adapt to weather conditions
Explain how people use environmental resources to meet their needs. (shelter, food, clothing)
Economics and Financial Literacy
Understand basic economic concepts
Explain how families meet their needs and wants.
Difference between needs and wants
Purchase or trade
How to meet financial needs through a variety of ways
Explain how jobs help people meet their needs and wants
Types of jobs


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