Perception: Interpreting Our Environment Consider the text’s point that we often


Perception: Interpreting Our Environment
Consider the text’s point that we often perceive things differently from others and that no one perception is necessarily right. What, from an OB perspective, are the benefits of differences of perception when a team of people are working on a project? What are the potential drawbacks of perceptual differences when a team is working together on a project?
Common Perceptual Distortions
Choose one of the perceptual distortions discussed (stereotypes, selective attention, halo effect, primary effect, recency effect, contrast effect, project, self-fulfilling prophecy, and impression management), and briefly describe a situation where your perception of another person was impacted by that distortion.
Common Attribution Errors
Imagine that you are waiting in line to purchase groceries. You notice that your line is moving very slowly because the high school-aged student who is bagging groceries is flirting with the cashier rather than working quickly and paying attention to customers. What internal and external attributions might you apply to this behavior? Try to generate at least three options for each type of attribution.


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