-Cover Page -Table of Contents -Major Components (6-10 pages– does not include


-Cover Page
-Table of Contents
-Major Components (6-10 pages– does not include the cover page, table of contents, abstract, or reference page)
Introduction- State the organization’s mission statement and vision. How long has the nonprofit been in operation, and what state is the nonprofit incorporated? How many paid staff, and volunteers? Do you think that the corporation is fulfilling its mission? Why or why not?
Nonprofit History- Discuss what services the corporation offers and the population it serves. How many clients served annually? (i.e. age, sex, culture, youth, seniors, low-income, how many, etc.)
Nonprofit Financial Sources- Discuss where the organization’s funding is coming from (local, state, county, federal or private donations) and make a list of their funders. How much is the annual operational budget?
Nonprofit Community Collaboration and Partnerships- How many community partners are listed on the corporation’s website? If none is listed, can you make some recommendations on how they can improve their visibility in their community?
-Summarize-Use theories from the textbook and other outside sources to summarize your understanding of what areas need improvements and how would you improve those areas and the corporation.
Use of Illustrations, charts, and/or graphics
Reference page (minimum of 4 peer reviewed references in APA format)
3 of the References that need to be used
Worth, M. J. (2020). Nonprofit Management (6th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9781544380001
Purdy, E. R. (2024, January 31). American Red Cross. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/American-Red-Cross


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