Chapter Reflection Assignment-Take this time to think about what you just read i


Chapter Reflection Assignment-Take this time to think about what you just read in your chapter or viewed in a video or power point presentation. What are some main points that stand out in your mind? What did you learn this week? Did you have some working knowledge about this time period but now things seem clearer? Write a couple of paragraphs to explain what you have learned this week from this chapter and any video(s) or power point. Remember this is worth 20 points so make sure you are thorough while writing your reflection. You can either type directly into the box on blackboard and then submit it. Or you can type on a word document and then copy and paste it into the box in Blackboard. Make sure to correct grammatical errors before submitting your reflection. Most errors will show up as you are typing them, so pay attention when you are writing your reflection. Include enough content to potentially receive the entire 20 points. Let me know if you have any questions. This is a researched assignment so you must include a works cited page or works consulted page. Give credit when credit is due, do not plagiarize content.
Some Learning Objectives to hit on below for the chapter.
The Crisis of the British Empire: Analyze the factors involved in the crisis of the British Empire.
The Declaration of Independence and African Americans: Describe what the Declaration of Independence meant to African Americans.
The Black Enlightenment: Discuss the African Americans who contributed to the Enlightenment.
African Americans in the War for Independence: Evaluate the African-American role in the War for Independence.
The Revolution and Emancipation: Explain how the American Revolution weakened slavery.
If you need the book but just message me and I’ll send my email and password for Pearson Revel. I also need some sources for some research.


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