Post 1 Q1: Please explain the meaning and significance of the following terms: a


Post 1 Q1: Please explain the meaning and significance of the following terms:
a) Reasonable Suspicion
b) Probable Cause
c) Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
How do these concepts relate to criminal investigations?
Post 2 Q2: If an investigator suspects that domestic violence has occurred, what investigative techniques might he or she use to prove it? What if there are no obvious physical signs?
Discussion Requirements
Discussions are graded upon content quality and frequency. You are required to post at least six separate responses during each graded thread (Monday-Sunday). Two of your posts are to include an original response to each/both of the Discussion Questions, and four of your posts should include responses to other students’ posts. Please respond to each Discussion Question in a separate post. Discussions will close each week on Sunday at 11:59 local time. Your post’s content should be high quality and represent Master’s level writing, including all properly cited materials.
Responses to initial discussion questions must be a minimum of 175 words and contain scholarly references and citations. Responses to fellow students’ posts must be a minimum of 75 words and expand on the discussion; the use of scholarly citations is required in these responses.


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