Discussion Case Franklin, a U.S. born individual of English ancestry, works for


Discussion Case
Franklin, a U.S. born individual of English ancestry, works for the China Lights restaurant, which is owned and operated by two U.S. citizens of Chinese ancestry. Franklin’s coworkers Jin Pan and Dongping Jiang, also U.S. citizens of Chinese ancestry, are late for work virtually every day, but no action is taken against them for this, even though the owners are aware of Jin and Dongping’s tardiness, and even though there is a stated workplace policy that an employee reporting to work late, more than once in a sixty day period will be dismissed. Franklin reports to work late twice, 55 days apart, and he is dismissed.
A detailed, in-depth analysis with well-documented management tips should be developed for each paper. At least four outside sources should be cited for each paper, but additional sources are recommended. The following rubric will be used for evaluation: Analysis = 40%; Management Tips = 20%; Writing = 15%; Formatting/APA = 15%; References = 10%. At least one relevant legal case not found in the textbook must be used as a reference and properly cited. If artificial intelligence is used to write parts or all of the submission, it will be considered plagiarism.


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