Please make it plagiarism-free and in the tone of a college student. I will prov


Please make it plagiarism-free and in the tone of a college student. I will provide you with the prompt details below. They will be using safe-assign to check so please do your best.
The book you will be reviewing is DAVID AND GOLIATH: UNDERDOGS, MISFITS, AND THE ART OF BATTLING GIANTS, by Malcolm Gladwell, Little, Brown and Company, 2013.
Summary. Provide an overview of the introduction section and three out of the nine chapters of the book (your choice of chapters) – 100-150 words per chapter.
Quote (“cut and paste”) your favorite sentence(s) for Introduction and each chapter. Explain the quote and tell me why you liked it (75-100 words).
Message/Agree or disagree? Thinking in strategic terms, for your own life or for an organization, explain the main message for Introduction and each chapter (about 100 words). Also, tell me if you agree or disagree with the message and why (50-75 words).
Chapter 4 – You wouldn’t wish dyslexia on your child. Or Would you?
– Summary: Chapter 4 invites us to reinterpret the way we categorize advantages… (100-150 words)
– Quote a favorite sentence(s): “Normally we think that we are better at solving problems when they are presented clearly and simply. But here the opposite happened.” This quote direct us to consider…(75-100 words)
– Message/Agree or disagree?: The chapter’s main message is… (about 100 words). I agree/ disagree with this message because… (50-75 words)
*Word counts: at least 325, but no more than 450 words for each chapter covers Summary, Quote, and Message/Agree or Disagree. It takes 1300-1800 words to complete the report, excluding the title page and references. Grading
48 points of Quality of content (12 points for each chapter) – Relevant questions: Does it look like you read the chapter? Did your summary cover the key elements of the chapter in the suggested length? Was it persuasive or novel? The thoroughness of answers (within Word counts requirements)? Word count requirement (total and each chapter).
12 points of Quality of writing (inclusive of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and citation): Is it readable? Does it flow? Does the review follow the APA format? Is it clearly organized with proper titles and subtitles? MS Word format, Double-space.
No late submission is allowed.
Please comply with the required format
APA (American Psychological Association) format required. Check ‘Writing Resources’ tab for APA format guideline.
Double line spacing, 11-12 font size. Generally, a one-page report needs about 300 words with a double line spacing. For this assignment, about a total of 5-6 pages for contents (Introduction and 3 chapters) and 1 page for title page. Start early! Don’t wait until the last minute.
Upload and submit it via the title link by the Sunday of Week 4, 11:59 PM EST.
Your submission will be checked for originality and plagiarism using the SafeAssign technology. David and Goliath Rubric (Individual 60 points) v3.pdf


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