Complete requirements 11 through 12 of the Jane’s Skateboards case for the third


Complete requirements 11 through 12 of the Jane’s Skateboards case for the third milestone of the course project. Read the attached assignment help document!
You may use the file you completed in milestone Part 2 only if you received a 100% in part 2 and have permission from the instructor. If you had anything but a 100% , I will attach a new template to the feedback in part 2.
DO NOT change the Excel template drop-down menus or formulas that are already in the template. Do not delete any of the tabs. Do not convert the Excel file to an Apple numbers file.
Save your file as “LastnameFirstinitial-ACCT105-M3.”
Submit your work by midnight ET on Day 7 (Sunday).
Your homework exercises/problems will be evaluated according to the following Homework Problems Grading:
**NOTE: Please make sure you verify the number of tabs in the Excel template, so you do not miss any requirements.


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