1. You have been asked to create a Pizza Ordering program that prompts the user


1. You have been asked to create a Pizza Ordering program that prompts the user to enter a number associated with a menu of options for their pizza order. The program should allow the user to select only one of the menu options (Small cheese pizza, Medium cheese pizza, Large cheese pizza). When the user specifies their menu option, they should be prompted to enter their topping choices (pepperoni, sausage, or olives) as follows: 1 to specify that they want the topping and 0 to specify that they do not want the topping. Each topping option costs $1.00 extra.
The goal is to calculate the order total based on the quantity specified for the menu option they chose and toppings. A confirmation of the order displays a ticket that shows what was ordered, the quantity, the menu item chosen, and the total price. Example order ticket
Thank you for your order!
Quantity: 2 Item: Small cheese pizza, no toppings – $12.00
Total: $24.00
Submit your flowchart as a PNG file and your pseudocode as a TXT or DOC file. 2. Follow up Question:
Translate the algorithm described in the flowchart and pseudocode created for the Pizza Ordering Program algorithm into a Python program. Create a comment header at the top of the file using a block comment and use in-line comments to describe important sections (input, processing, and output) based on intended functionality. Test your code by compiling it to verify that it is functioning as expected and correct any syntax and/or semantic errors present (based on the programming problem).
Create a test plan using the Sample Test Plan (pdf) provided as a guide.
Submit your program as a Python (.py) file and submit your Test Plan as a PDF.ou may create your own Test Plan or use the format shown in the Sample Test Plan. Please be sure you include this with your assignment submission.
You will need to upload both files in the space provided below.


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