Course name: Emerging Technologies and Issues Write a 1,000-word critical report


Course name: Emerging Technologies and Issues
Write a 1,000-word critical report about a technology company employing an emerging technology, identifying some of the ethical, political and/or social issues around its design, framing and/or deployment. The word limit is 1000 words +/- 10% and excludes the reference list.
1 or 2 issues based on critical analysis (no more three)
7 or 8 references
Assessment Guidelines
The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of some of the critical issues we have been discussing in the unit so far and to demonstrate your research capabilities.
You should imagine that you are writing a critical analysis about a technology or company for a popular media audience: what does the general public need to know about this company that is not self-evident to someone who hasn’t had the opportunity to study it in ARIN6906 at The University of Sydney!? What do they do? What do they claim about it? What are the potential issues and concerns?
Part of the assessment criteria is the identification of a relevant case study; try to find something that is an example of what we have talked about, but that we haven’t talked about in class so far (e.g. Uber, Amazon, Self-Driving Cars). You will have an opportunity to discuss your case study in the tutorials for preliminary feedback.
A strong essay will indicate independent research to find an example of a technology start-up that is using, for example, AI or Big Data, and apply the discussions we’ve been having in class about AI and Data to that technology to contribute novel critical analysis. You should draw on primary source materials such as the company’s website and interviews with staff (e.g. founders often do interviews) to describe what they believe their technology can do. Do not take what they say at face value!
Consider the example case studies from the lectures (e.g. Amazon and Uber). What are these companies not saying or acknowledging? What are the un-said risks and implications of their technologies? Get beyond the ‘tech hype’ and apply a critical lens.
Make sure to avoid reductive deterministic arguments about technology (see Week 3). Consider situating your case study within ethics (Wk2) or technology philosophy (Wk3).
Your report should be written for a non-academic audience but should include references to material covered in the lectures and readings, as well as other sources you have researched yourself. Do not reference the lectures.
Your work should be engaging to read; something that you might show to a fellow student or colleague who was interested in the technology you selected.


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