Essay Prompt: The foundation pillars of NHS are scholarship, leadership, charac


Essay Prompt: The foundation pillars of NHS are scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Presuming there was only one open spot for NHS remaining, why should we choose to accept your application and not that of another student? Your essay should address those four characteristics and how you embody them throughout your life. The grading rubric (requirements) for essay include:
Do not put your name on the front of your essay. Only put your ID number at the top of the page. 500 words or less. Essays must be typed in a Word document, double-spaced, and in 12 point Times New Roman. It must be your original work. Mechanical correctness (correct spelling, punctuation, usage, paragraphing, sentence structure, grammar)
Content (quality of ideas and level of expression)
Unity (clear thesis statement, transitions, organization)


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