complete the concept questions for each section in chapter 1 – i have provide th


complete the concept questions for each section in chapter 1 – i have provide the book online – Ch. 1 Introduction – Introduction to Business | OpenStax. Explain the concepts of revenue, costs, and profit.
What are the five factors of production?
What is the role of an entrepreneur in society?
Define the components of the internal and the external business environments.
What factors within the economic environment affect businesses?
Why do demographic shifts and technological developments create both challenges and new opportunities for business?
What is economics, and how can you benefit from understanding basic economic concepts?
Compare and contrast the world’s major economic systems. Why is capitalism growing, communism declining, and socialism still popular?
What is the difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics?
What is a business cycle? How do businesses adapt to periods of contraction and expansion?
Why is full employment usually defined as a target percentage below 100 percent?
What is the difference between demand-pull and cost-push inflation?
What are the two kinds of monetary policy?
What fiscal policy tools can the government use to achieve its macroeconomic goals?
What problems can a large national debt present?


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