Goal: Clearly and vividly describe the causes and consequences of the problem in


Clearly and vividly describe the causes and consequences of the problem in journalism that you are focusing on. Your audience is potential funders/supporters of solutions.
Required content:
Clearly state what the problem is and how it harms the news media’s ability to do one or more of the seven things Michael Schudson suggests news can do for democracy (information, investigation, analysis, social empathy, public forum, mobilization, democratic education).
Provide several pieces of evidence that describe this problem and integrate this evidence into your paper. This could be a news article, an academic article, statistics, or another piece of media that effectively demonstrates the problem you’ve selected. The more convincing the evidence you present for this problem, the stronger your memo will be.
Review known or potential causes of this problem. Each potential cause should be backed up by a citation (preferably scholarly, but a news article can work). Avoid providing a laundry list of potential causes and instead help the reader understand how/if they are related and which is most prominent.
Review known or potential consequences of this problem. Each potential consequence should be backed up by a citation (preferably scholarly, but a news article can work). Avoid providing a laundry list of potential consequences and instead help the reader understand how/if they are related and which is most prominent.
Conclude with a brief summarizing argument for why this problem is vital to address. This should be persuasive, convincing the reader of why this is an issue that they should put resources into addressing.
Requirements and Format:
This paper should be 750-1000 words, double-spaced, with 1″ margins and Times New Roman 12-point font.
It should read like a cohesive persuasive document with introduction and conclusion sections.
Your title page should have your name on it.
Please use APA style for citations and references.
Grading criteria
Coverage of the required content
Comprehensiveness and accuracy of your summary of causes and consequences
Persuasiveness of your arguments
Quality of your writing
Any paper using AI (e.g., Chat-GPT) will receive a 0.


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