Your task is to analyze the case titled “Sogeti’s Teampark – Designing Intellig


Your task is to analyze the case titled “Sogeti’s Teampark – Designing Intelligent Organizations for the Future.”  Please use “The Student Guide to the Case Method” to perform this analysis. This is supposed to be an analysis, not a summary of the case. It should analyze: What is the background of the company? What is the problem they are facing? What are potential solutions? Which is the best solution and why?Your are expected to adhere to the following:
Apply research in your analysis using at least two published sources for each of Steps B – D.
Use APA format, 12-pt font, Times new Roman.
Paper should be around 8-10 pages double-spaced including title and Bibliography
Create a title page with your name, course number and name, and date submitted.
Append a Bibliography page for the cited research.
Use major headings that coincide with the steps outlined in Section 4 of “The Student Guide….”
Apply sub-headings sparingly and for further structuring as necessary.
Submit your document in Word format only, please.
No plagiarism


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