The case analysis will be based on the prior week’s readings and lecture slides.


The case analysis will be based on the prior week’s readings and lecture slides. Each case will be accompanied by two to four questions to help focus our analytical discussions. Materials. In completing this assignment, you apply the theories from workshops and the assigned reading to the case study and questions. You may also use the noted supplemental readings. (Find these on the LMS in Readings Online, and possibly in the weekly workshop folders). For the highest marks, you need to specifically work with and reference one or both of the assigned readings for the case study analysis, as well as fully answering the discussion questions. Use of online materials is unlikely to be helpful, and excessive use of outside theories or prior week’s material may reduce marks. Note: we will post the weekly cases at least by the week before, if not sooner.
Format. This is a response assignment, not a research assignment. That means you need to work closely with the week’s assigned reading, PPT, and case briefing. You may also use supplemental materials. Online research is not required and is unlikely to gain you high marks. You are free to look up more information on the case if you are curious, but this is not required for a good response. Please see the rubric online and note that points may be docked for not using the assigned format.
Template. Please use the individual assignment template – it makes online marking super easy. With that, the highlighted sections are to remind you to include the case name and only your student ID number at the top of each page. I try to reduce bias with “blind marking.” Double-spaced is preferred for easier feedback and reading.
Marking Rubric. Marking is done using the individual case study grading rubric. You can find this online, with each case study. You are encouraged to look at this prior to starting your case study. Your graded submission will be returned to you within two weeks of your case submission.
Please take the word limit as a guide. You will not be penalized for going slightly over the word limit (10%). Conversely, do not feel obligated to write more if you are able to complete the assignment in fewer words. Tables, footnotes, and appendices are all fine. Footnotes, references, and appendices do not count toward the word limit. Your assignment should be typed and double-spaced, with all of your pages numbered. You should use APA or another systematic referencing system (as long as you pick one and keep it consistent) to format your in-text citations and references, and you should have a full bibliography/reference list.


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