You are designing an executable population-based change project addressing ident


You are designing an executable population-based change project addressing identified practice-related problems or questions. This strongly emphasizes collaboration between advanced practice nurses and community agencies and includes working with an agency using practice data to provide answers, which are responsive to the needs of clinicians, administrators, and policy makers for improvement of programs or practices.
This section of the change project should include a discussion of key concepts.
Clarify the issue under study.
Propose solutions or interventions based on the literature review.
Compare other views on the problem and solutions.
Address the APRN role in the intervention and discuss implications for clinical practice.
Discuss the implications of your change project.
Some important things to consider and address:
Does your intervention have a clear connection to your research problem?
What are the specific methods of data collection you are going to use, such as surveys, interviews, questionnaires, or protocols?
How do you intend to analyze your results?
Provide a justification for subject selection and sampling procedure.
Describe potential limitations. Are there any practical limitations that could affect your data collection? How will you attempt to control the limitations?
How will your change project help fill gaps in understanding the research problem?
This section should be 6–7 pages in length, not including the cover or reference page. You must reference a minimum of 5 scholarly articles.
Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Review the rubric for more information on how the assignment will be graded.***ATTACHED ARE THE PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENTS THTA BUILD THIS PROJECT* , AS WELL AS A SAMPLE OF A STUDENT PAPER***
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : Working With Research Data
This week, you will explore the type of research you would use to implement your change project. You will identify your project aims, values, and desired outcomes, and explain the research methods you would use to reach those outcomes. Review the types of research below, and as you revisit your literature reviews, identify the variables, methodology, and data analysis tools used to gain a better understanding of how you would proceed with the research collected in your change project. Qualitative Research
A qualitative study focuses on observations, interviews, probing questions, case studies, and/or looking for trends within a group. Qualitative studies can be conducted using a variety of different methods from something as seemingly simple as observing a group or something as potentially complex as an in-depth case study. Ethical issues and protecting identity must be considered when conducting any research, but it is especially critical in qualitative research. Once you have collected your qualitative data, you must determine how to analyze the data you have collected and then make conclusions and determinations based on your analysis. Quantitative Research
A quantitative study focuses on using numerical data to evaluate your predetermined research questions. Quantitative research can be done by conducting surveys, analyzing already existing data, or any number of collection methods that focus on numerical data. One of the most important things to remember when evaluating quantitative data is that correlation does not equal causation! For example, just because there is a strong relationship between the amount of margarine purchased per capita and the divorce rate in Maine ( to an external site., this does not mean that one causes the other. There is simply a relationship between these two variables—as the consumption of margarine fell, so did the divorce rate in Maine, but lowering margarine consumption does not reduce divorce rates in Maine. Epidemiologic Research Design and Evidence
This type of research focuses on the origin or foundation of diseases. Epidemiologic research is quite useful in evidence-based practice and and allows nurses to find ways to improve health outcomes.
What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?
Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?
What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?
Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools.
Were ethical considerations addressed?
Data Analysis
What data analysis tool was used?
How were the results presented in the study?
NURS_691A_DE – NURS 691-A Rubric Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
64 to >52.48 ptsMeets Expectations
Succinctly clarifies the issue under study. Provides a brief summary of the project including main points and anticipated findings. Provides keen insight into obstacles and proposes sound, creative solutions or interventions based on the literature review findings. Expertly compares other views on the problem and solutions with detail. Uses examples to thoroughly address the FNP role in the intervention and discusses implications for clinical practice. Thoughtfully discusses the implications of the change project and its significance to the nursing profession and filling gaps in knowledge. Accurately categorizes and thoroughly explains specific methods of data collection to be used. Explains in detail how data will be analyzed and used. Provides a sound justification for subject selection and sampling procedure. Accurately and thoroughly describes potential limitations to data collection and control. Meets all of the criteria of the written assignment.
52.48 to >48.0 ptsApproaches Expectations
Provides an unclear explanation of the issue under study. Provides a brief summary of the project including main points and anticipated findings. Identifies some obstacles and proposes some solutions or interventions based on the literature review but few connections are made. Minimally compares other views on the problem and solutions. Minimally, addresses the FNP role in the intervention and discusses implications for clinical practice. Briefly discusses the implications of the change project and its significance to the nursing profession but may lack detail or specifics. Explains which methods of data collection will be used, and explains how data will be used. May be lacking analysis and accuracy in the explanation. Provides a general justification for subject selection and sampling procedure. Only briefly describes potential limitations to data collection and control. Meets most of the criteria of the written assignment.
48 to >37.76 ptsFalls Below Expectations
Provides no clarification of the issue under study. Provides little or no project summary or anticipated findings. Identifies few if any obstacles and proposes few if any solutions or interventions based on the literature review Minimal to no comparison to other views on the problem and solutions. Only suggests implications of the change project and its significance to the nursing profession or draws unreasonable conclusions. Identifies some methods of data collection to be used but may fail to explain how data will be used. Data collection methods are unsound, or unjustified for the change project. Justification for subject selection and sampling procedure may be missing or is unsound. Fails to describe potential limitations to data collection and control. Meets only a few of the criteria of the written assignment.
37.76 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
No obstacles, opposing views, or comparisons are made to support the project. Data collection methods are not explained, analyzed, or discussed. Does not meet the assignment criteria.
64 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
8 to >6.56 ptsMeets Expectations
Content is well written throughout. Information is well organized and clearly communicated.
6.56 to >6.0 ptsApproaches Expectations
Content is overly wordy or lacking in specific language. Information is reasonably organized and communicated.
6 to >4.72 ptsFalls Below Expectations
Content is disorganized in many places and lacks clarity.
4.72 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Content lacks clarity and information is disorganized. May be an outline or a list.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format/Mechanics
8 to >6.56 ptsMeets Expectations
Follows all the requirements related to format, length, source citations, and layout. The assignment is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
6.56 to >6.0 ptsApproaches Expectations
Follows length requirement and most of the requirements related to format, source citations, and layout. The assignment is mostly free of spelling and grammatical errors.
6 to >4.72 ptsFalls Below Expectations
Follows most of the requirements related to format, length, source citations, and layout. The assignment contains some spelling and grammatical errors.
4.72 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Does not follow format, length, source citations, and layout requirements. The assignment contains many spelling and grammatical errors.
8 pts
Total Points: 80


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