This is week 3 post. The UN GoalsHow Money and Power May Have Influenced the S


This is week 3 post.
The UN GoalsHow Money and Power May Have Influenced the SDG Poverty-Reduction Goals in Questionable WaysIn the framework of the SDGs, the eradication of extreme poverty by the year 2030 is planned. However, the process of developing these goals and striving to meet them can be swayed by money and power in a rather dubious manner. For example, the current definition of extreme poverty adopted by the World Bank is $2.15 per person per day, which does not necessarily depict the absolute living standards of many individuals. This definition was defined in 2017, and no changes have been made to it even after the shifting global economic conditions and the COVID-19 pandemic. The poverty rates and the number of people living in extreme poverty, as estimated by the World Bank, are also calculated using PPP adjustments, which also consider the economic and political bias of the countries and organizations involved. Also, power relations in politics and economics can shape the distribution of resources and funding that goes to poverty reduction programs. For instance, the lending policies and conditions of the World Bank may work in the interest of some countries or some economic sectors more than others, which can maintain inequity and mitigate the impact of poverty alleviation strategies
.Actions to Further SDG Goals
As a result, for SDGs advancement, the following actions can be taken by an individual. Call for a policy agenda to expand economic opportunities, social protection, and necessities among low-income people. Donations to similar causes that assist in poverty alleviation include Non-Governmental Organisations and Community Based Organisations. Promote the understanding of the SDGs and the complexities of poverty eradication by striving to learn more about them and inform others about them. You must make conscious decisions in your daily lives to ensure sustainable development, such as using public transport or a more environmentally friendly car, going for organic products, and buying from local and fair trade markets. Engage in international conferences, petitions, and other related activities that advocate for eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development. As such, individuals can take the following actions to contribute to the fight against poverty and the realization of the SDGs.
React to two colleagues including an example to any one of themes from this unit in weeks one through five. (inclusion/exclusion, money/power, space/place, etc. ) You may also tie in an example from the readings or the piece of the video. Two replies of one paragraph each
I will send an example after selecting the tutor


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