This S&C program will the follow the principles that are outlined for the course


This S&C program will the follow the principles that are outlined for the course and each program should have an effective training frequency (2 to 4 times a week), volume, intensity, rest, and exercise selection with session lasting 45 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on frequency. You will need to look at the NCAA website for season, consideration for practice schedule, and sport’s rules. You will submit a 2-3-page summation paper stating your decisions made in the program along with supporting references (properly cited). 1. What is the phase(s) of training and goal? (10 pts) 2. Why are the exercises, volume, intensity, and recovery selected? (40 pts) 3. What tests and evaluations are used and why? (25 pts) 4. What type of stretching and warm-up will be used and why? (5 pts) 5. What physiological adaptations do you expect to occur? (15 pts) 6. What 5 peer-review references support your strength & conditioning plan? (5pts)


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