Instructions Work breakdown structures: The foundation for project management ex


Work breakdown structures: The foundation for project management excellence
Norman, E. S., Brotherton, S. A., & Fried, R. T. (2008). Work breakdown structures: The foundation for project management excellence. Wiley & Sons. pp. 179-185.
The weekly resources incorporate readings about identifying criteria for WBSs, and project scope. After reviewing this week’s resources, you are to carefully read the case study from the weekly resource ebook.
Next, assimilate the WBS creation process by aligning a WBS using the mapping process. The goal here is to ensure that every piece of the WBS maps to at least one scope item, and none of the work in the WBS is superfluous. These steps deliver tremendous benefits by ensuring alignment between the scope and the WBS. From the outset, they act as an early warning system for any issues that might otherwise not become apparent until much later in project execution, when the costs to correct are higher and the impact more severe.
Last, write a 500-word summary describing the benefit of using the WBS to further define the deliverables of the scope statement that is provided within the Appendix.
Length: Draft a 1 to 3-page WBS using the Lucidchart tool, as enclosed in this week’s resources; a 500-word summary. You may also use a (Insert Image) comparable tool, as enclosed here: References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.
The completed assignment should address all the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course.


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