I want a project plan to be created based on these steps Project title – Implem


I want a project plan to be created based on these steps Project title – Implementation of a Full-Stack E-Commerce Platform for Small Businesses using ASP.NET and React
Week 1: Planning and Setup
Day 1-2: Project kick-off and finalization of requirements.
Day 3-4: Create and finalize wireframes for each page.
Day 5-7: Set up project architecture (e.g., React, backend framework, database setup, Stripe integration for payments).
Week 2: Main Page Development
Day 1-2: Implement the Main Page layout.
Create shop list with browsing options.
Add the search functionality for products and shops.
Navigation menu (Home, Shop, Become a Seller, Cart, Profile).
Day 3-4: Add dummy data for shops and products for testing.
Day 5-7: Implement the responsive design for mobile and desktop.
Week 3: Shop Page & Product Detail Page
Day 1-3: Develop the Shop Page.
Display products within the selected shop.
Implement filters for categories, price range, etc.
Add-to-cart functionality.
Day 4-7: Develop the Product Detail Page.
Display detailed information (images, descriiption, price).
Add-to-cart button functionality with real data.
Week 4: Shopping Cart & Checkout Page
Day 1-3: Build the Shopping Cart Page.
List of added items.
Quantity adjustment options and total price calculation.
Proceed to checkout button.
Day 4-7: Build the Checkout Page.
User information input (shipping, contact details).
Payment method selection (Stripe API integration).
Order summary and confirmation logic.
Week 5: User Authentication Pages
Day 1-2: Develop the Login Page.
Day 3-4: Develop the Registration Page.
Week 5-6: Become a Seller Page & Notification System
Day 1-4: Build the Become a Seller Page.
Form submission for shop details and product listings.
File uploads for product images and details.
Day 5-7: Implement the Notification System.
User notifications for order confirmations and updates.
Seller notifications for new orders.
Week 7: Testing, Bug Fixing & Final Adjustments
Day 1-3: Perform thorough testing (unit tests, integration tests, and user testing).
Debug and resolve any issues.
Day 4-7: Final adjustments based on testing.
Optimize performance (UI/UX improvements, database queries).
Week 8: Launch Day 1-3: Final round of testing Day 4-7: Launch the application and provide post-launch support (hotfixes)
I want the project to be broken down in 14 sprints 1 sprint = 2 weeks starting 13.10.2024
I want dates for all the sprints ex Sprint 1 (13.10.2023 – 27.10.2023)
I want 1 chart ,1 graph and 1 diagram or 1 chart and 1 graph for the project plan


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