Find a curriculum planning tool for infant and/or toddler classrooms/programs.


Find a curriculum planning tool for infant and/or toddler classrooms/programs. Your instructor provided an example of one she has used – this is is NOT fair game for use in this DB! You are to find a curriculum planning tool for use with infants and/or toddlers — it can be one used in a program where you work or you have observed, you can find it online, you can borrow from a friend, you can even create your own! Provide a reference or link to the form if you are borrowing, sharing, or found via the Internet (provide credit for work you are borrowing!). Share the form. It would be easier for your peers if you were able to upload into your DB post directly, or upload the file — providing a view of the form IS required. Analyze the form. Does the form address all domains of development? Do the forms allow for differentiation/individualization of activities? Does the form provide sufficient information for implementing the activities? Do you see a connection between the planning tool and opportunities to collect observations of the children? Does is support your text’s idea of providing for optimum incongruity/match? What is a strength and what is a weakness of the form? Would you use it and why or how would you improve it?


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