Please write a 400 word blog that summarises the critical points and information


Please write a 400 word blog that summarises the critical points and information given in the 3 PowerPoints that I will attach, plus the sources that I attach.  Summary of the critical points covered in sessions 2, 3, and 4, and assess the relevance of the concepts and theories to understanding the Middle East.
 Identify from the recommended readings the critical points of the problems of the region and possible solutions. For example, rentier state, power and authoritarianism, and development.
Grading Criteria
Your blog should cover
 Your understanding of the critical points covered in sessions 2, 3 and 4.
 Successfully recognised and articulated the significance of the
concepts and theories with thorough and well-founded reasons.
 Understanding and relevance of the readings.
PLease USE the Sources from the reading list that I will provide. Thank you. I will attach everything, please go through all the PowerPoints and sources in the reading list to write this blog.
Please make sure that the font is size 12, and use 1.5 spacing, as well as a margin in the corner of the page. please provide a word count( excluding the bibliography. Please use in text citations in the blog when referring to sources.
HARVARD REFERENCING. PLEASE also number the pages.
PLEASE NOTE: you DONT have to use all the sources I have completed, but please use at least 4/5 of them and include ALL these sources in the bibliography and any other external ones that you use.


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