Movie Link: Use the attachment below case study ex


Movie Link:
Use the attachment below case study example as a guide. or make up your own using the axmple.
Select one of the people profiled to be your patient.
Write this up as you would an extended patient write up or Case study Report using APA style and no less than 4 sources. The sources may only be the texts books you have been assigned or the articles provided by your instructor in eClass. You will not submit the case study to eclass you will bring a hardcopy of your case study to class on Tuesday Nov. 5th. You will not put your name on the case study you will put the de-identified ID I have handed out to you on October 22, 2025.
A sample case Study report is provided below. The sample is not in APA format, but it is a requirement of your assignment. If you were assigned to be their provider, what would you have done differently or the same? Develop a plan of care for them including type of therapy, frequency, medications and anything else you feel is appropriate to best care for them as your patient.


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