Walmart is the world’s largest retail company and is very successful in managing


Walmart is the world’s largest retail company and is very successful in managing its supply chain. Walmart’s most important competitive advantage is cost leadership. I would like you to do some desk research on how Walmart achieves its cost leadership through effective and efficient supply chain management. You shall start with a short opening paragraph (3 sentences at most) to introduce the topic and prepare the reader for what you will be writing. Address the question using the format of bullet points. For each bullet point, start with key words, and then give your full explanation. For example: “Low purchasing price. Walmart sources from over 70 countries…”
Please provide 4 bullet points outlining the reasons that are most relevant in the field of supply chain management. Format requirement
The only format accepted/graded for this assignment is Microsoft WORD. Please use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and single line spacing. Maximum 1.5 pages including references.


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