Use Template 3 for the organization of the paper In each wall of text: ● Iconogr


Use Template 3 for the organization of the paper
In each wall of text:
● Iconographic analysis in which you describe the subject matter in each work and how the work of art looks
● Interpret what you see and discuss what each work’s meaning would have been to its original audience when it was first created
● Include any additional information that you determine is necessary for your viewer to know, but be concise in deciding what is most important to include for each work of art
For the conclusion:
For your conclusion, consider any parting thoughts about your chosen theme or works. For example, now that you have considered the evolution of your theme throughout history, how do you imagine it might evolve further in the future? What do you want your viewer to learn from your exhibition? How does your exhibition apply to someone’s life and/or why should it matter? What did you get out of this experience? For your conclusion, address the following:
● A summation of your theme that highlights the overall purpose of your exhibition
● The understanding and appreciation of art you want your viewer to have experienced
● Your most insightful reflection regarding your art exhibition
● Additional points you deem necessary to logically bring your project to a close
● Citation from and direct analysis of at least one academic source to support your ideas


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